Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oooops ... time warp anyone?

Good thing Zona is so smart and observant. We DO NOT land Thrusday...we DO land Friday at 5:03pm...ALL other info is the same. Sorry if that messed you up, but I am happy if that helped :) I was hoping for a time warp...leave at 1:50 US time, travel 27 hours and land at 5:03 the same day...I don't think so :( SO FRIDAY it is! Yesterday was our farewell party. It was such a sad and happy event. We arrived at the Thomas Center, the kids were so happy to see their friends. The other were welcoming us with a song. We worshiped and then Abdisa delivered a message on Col. 1, walking, working and wisdom. Loved it, we need to walk in Christ, work and be fruitful in Christ and have wisdom in Christ. Great message. What I noticed is that Paul didn't say have wisdom in Christ, have wisdom in Christ, have wisdom in Christ. We actually must walk and work...wisdom is not enough. Once we have the knowledge, we are responsible to act...walk and work! When we look at the children we will leave behind, it is more evident that we need to walk and work. There is a beautiful little girl we will leave behind, her name is Sisay she is 13 years old. I had the opportunity to talk with her yesterday. She waits for a family and no one adopts her because she is older with 2 other siblings. Meskerem is her good friend and Sisay is sad that she is leaving. Sisay wants a family to love her. She doesn't want to stay in the home while everyone else leaves and she stays. She love science and she loves to pray. She wants to be a doctor and a preacher when she grows up...she wants an opportunity to be a child with a mom and a dad. She needs a family to love her and afford her the chance to make her dreams a reality...she needs a family that LOVES Christ to not only know what the bible says BUT to walk and work! Please pray for her. I loved loving on her and talking to her. She is such a beautiful child of God, all of our hearts broke. Meskerem, Eyob and Samuel spent time crying and missing their family at the Thomas Center. We must remember that God is good...but he is waiting for us to be his vehicle. The song they sang when we entered...God is good, He helps people like us. Today is a long day as we wait to catch our plane. We are so excited to see our kids and our family and friends. We thank you for all of your prayers and support. You all are such a blessing to us and we thank God for you. Please be praying for safe travels...Sisay, and how we all can walk and work toward Christ! See you soon!


Rachelle said...

I was looking forward to meeting your new family at the airport with the big welcoming party but now that its on friday I will not be able to go :( I have plans that evening. I do hope to see you all at church on Sunday. Love and safe travels to you all.

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