The Lord uses many different ways to speak into your life. Sometimes He speaks to your heart personally through prayer and reading His word. Sometimes He uses pastors or sermons or bible studies. Sometimes He uses Angel's.
This is my new friend Angel. I don't know that I will ever see her again this side of heaven, but I must share this story with you.
The past few months in the Thiele household, have been...well let's just say interesting. If I were honest, I would say challenging and tiring and I would allow you a peek into our controlled chaos. With the beauty of adoption and parenting for that matter, come challenges and with nine kids, 5 from foreign countries, I am wiped out. I know that it will get better, but it is times like these the Lord uses the Angel's in our lives to bring refreshment and encouragement for a weary soul.
Every year on Easter we go to the park and hang out with friends and family. It is such a wonderful part of our year and we look forward to having the opportunity to catch up, and meet new people. After we ate lunch we were all just sitting around talking and I looked up and this lady was tromping across the field, like she was on a mission. My first thought was, "oh no...what did my kids do", as they were all following her closely behind. Once she reached us, my friend Seggy and I stood up to say hello and this is what came of our conversation.
Angel: "GIRL...There is Jesus ALLLLL....over this place! I have met the NATIONS today! I looked over and saw the anointing of the Spirit on these children and I had to come to meet you. I have heard that there are people touching the nations..but I had to come and see for myself."
Drea: Speechless
Angel: "Your beautiful kids told me the story of what is going on in your house and I just had to come and say Praise the Lord! God is GOOD...ALL the time! What you and your friends are doing here God has blessed!
Drea: still speechless
And then she started to prophesy
Angel: "You may be feeling like your body is going to fall apart and you are walking around with your shoulders dropped (acting it out for me, leaning up against things to prop her up), BUT I am here to tell you to hold your head up...GOD is going to give you strength...He is NOT done with you yet. He is going to bring MORE...BE READY for it! It will be by HIS might, not your own, so TRUST Him! He sees that you and your friends are willing and obedient, He is going to use you all to reach the nations for HIS Glory! So keep strong, be encouraged, God loves you and your obedience to Him, you will be blessed! "No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Cor 2:9, He is going to use this ministry and He is going to increase it!"
Drea: crying... and still speechless
Angel: " I have goose bumps all over, I had to come and meet you..The glory of the Lord is in this place. Praise Him for what he has done and what he will do in the future...SO HOLD on...He is not done!"
This is obviously paraphrased, but pretty close. However, the actual words she said were far more beautiful than that. She prayed over us later when I took the picture. We were all in awe of the goodness of God in this. Angel was sent as a messenger of God to share the truth with His weary people. He used Angel to speak truth into our lives.
I am grateful for Jesus, I am grateful that he uses just everyday people to touch lives. I am grateful that he uses us to do the same thing. I was just recounting this encounter with Seggy today...Angel said things that she didn't know about it...this was a confirmation that we are walking in His will.
Thank you Angel, for stepping out in faith and sharing the love of Jesus with our group. Thank you Jesus, for using Angel for that drink of cold water...till we meet again friend!
I was reading this aloud to Dean and almost couldn't get the words out. I am so amazed! God is good! All I could think about is Sisay and sibs... and all the other orphans in Kisii. I am so excited for what God is preparing for our RSG! (: Love you!
p.s. As I'm writing this comment I noticed that word that I have to type for my "word verification" to post the comment is "unreal." Hah!
Oh, Drea!!! LOVE that God sent you an "Angel." And what a powerful way to get His message across. I know how very much your heart and spirit needed to receive those words of blessing and encouragement! I absolutely LOVE your family photo...what a BEAUTIFUL family you have!!! So glad God brought us together! Sending you love! Amy
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