Monday, July 28, 2008

Amazing Love

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139: 13 & 14

Today is a day that I will soon not forget.

Since I was a little girl I dreamt of delivering babies. I started college focusing in this area, and then decided to get married and have children of my own. Although I never finished my education, the Lord has grown my love and knowledge for medicine through my own personal circumstances. I have had the privileged of caring for elders, my grandma, my mom, and special needs children.
Over the past few years, the Lord has also grown my love for his nations. We are to teach the world of His good news, Matthew 24:14 says;"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. I have often wondered how to couple this passion for medicine and the lost people of this world. I really had no tangible solution until just a few weeks ago.
A friend of mine, whom I admire greatly, is a midwife. I have been interested in learning more about midwifery for about six years when I first met Carol. The timing was never fitting given the circumstances in my life, so this desire had to sit on the back burner. Sometime in March or so, my desire to get in touch with my friend grew to new heights. I began to wonder how the Lord could use me in my gifting, to bring glory and honor to him with no formal schooling. Through a 'divine' appointment, I met up with Carol at a home school convention. She began to tell me about her ministry to third world countries and the women there. She teaches general health and midwifery techniques to midwives that are less fortunate and less educated, on safe procedures. I began to share with her my desires, and we agreed that this was meant to be and we decided that I would study under Carol's teaching.
Today was my first day as an apprentice to a birth of new life. I have coached labor before, but today was different. This was the first time I was ever remotely responsible for anything of this nature. Although my part was very, very, very, small, I was left with an overwhelming feeling of awe, and a humbled spirit. God is so great that he took the time to knit each and everyone of us together in our mothers womb. The word says, that the Lord has searched us and knows us. He knows our sitting down and our rising up. He understands our thoughts and comprehends our paths, He is acquainted with all of our ways.
Aren't we blessed to have a God that is living and ever present in our lives? He knows our paths and give us the desires of our hearts. That is, when we seek Him first, He gives us His desires for us, all we have to do is obey. I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve Christ in this capacity, I know that I am inadequate, and am praying for Him to open the eyes of my understanding.
Today was a day I will soon not forget.


Lisa said...

My heart soars for you in this new journey. How wonderful to feel His calling in your life, and to realize childhood dreams in the process! I love to hear the excitement in your writing, and know that you will be a blessing to many a mother. Congratulations my dear friend, I look forward to taking this journey with you!
Love you,

PS ... 3 of my fish are expecting any advice? Have you been trained in water births yet?

God's Girl said...

Wow! How wonderful. I didn't know about this. I'm excited for you. See how neat these blogs are? You get to learn all kinds of things that are on the hearts of your friends.

Love you!
Julie K

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