WE PASSED COURT TODAY!!! Praise the Lord!!!
We got the verbal confirmation, not the written, but it is on it's way. We are SO excited as you can imagine. So what happens next?? Our kids will be transferred to the Thomas Center immediately, which is a staging area for kids waiting for their families. We then wait for an Embassy date (we should recieve it in a week), which our agency thinks will be February 2nd! We would travel the week before that, so the end of January sometime!!
As soon as we hear back from the Embassy, we book travel...Erica, our prayers may have just been answered!!!
Well, I don't know if I should laugh or cry...I think the emotions are close, so maybe I will do both. It has been such a long wait, but well worth it. Please pray for the kids as they have yet another change...please pray for their older siblings too as they will go through changes.
Today we are legally parents of 9 children so, with permission...I introduce to you our children... Meskerem, Eyob and Samuel (now I will really cry)
Thomas Center, their new home for about a month
And I shall cry with you. So so incredible. So so blessed to be apart of their story. So so humbled at Gods timing. HIS perfection.
AAagghhhhh!!!!!! Screaming and jumping up and down in excitement for you!!!! Praise the Lord! Can't wait to meet your kiddos! We will be praying for all the last minute details and your travel over there.
the Lunds
I cried when I read on facebook during lunch and I came home to look at your blog and am still crying. What a Christmas in the Thiele house. I am praying for you all. I can't wait to meet your children. Thank you Lord for your many blessings.
I don't even know you and I'm shedding happy tears on your behalf...I know Erica and her enthusiastic post sent me over to yours. OHHHHHHHH...we love rejoicing with you!
Congratulations! It is so refreshing to see cases passing it increases my hopes that the third time will be a charm on January 12th when our case is to be heard again. Thank God the MoWA had its act together for you! So happy for you and your family. :)
I'm glad I linked to you via another blog. :) I'm betting our daughter is in the same place as your three!
Praise the Lord! And your children - how BEAUTIFUL they are. What a wonderful Christmas gift. So wonderful for all of you.
It leaves me ... the "wordsmith" .. without words. The LORD once again has displayed His sovereigness ... His faithfulness ... His tender mercies ... His plan. AMEN.
I knew you were special...its so sweet to see Gods plan working in your family!!! Congrats
I just came here from Erica's blog. Congratulations on your beautiful children! I love the verse on yout blog header. If you email me, I have a song I think you will enjoy hearing. momtoo2girls@yahoo.com
Found ya from precious Erica's blog. Congratulations sweet family...truly an amazing Christmas gift! Praying you will travel soon...I can't wait to see your babies in your arms!!! Blessings and Merry Christmas. ~stacy
Thank you sweet friends, we are so blessed and so excited!! This is the best news ever.
Blessings to you and a Merry Christmas.
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