Abdisa and his wife praying over the kids and us
Me and Samuel...or Sami
Coral and Meskerem
My friends, God is good and this trip is a testimony to His greatness and faithfulness. Not just because we are home with our children...but this whole trip has had God's hand in it. As we were recounting His goodness we truly realized just how deep, how wide, how high His love is for each and every one of us.
Our kids did great on the flight home...there were some unruly children...our kids were not one of them. They had a TON of firsts on the plane home and did great. We didn't even get to sit next to each other and had to split up into pairs or threes and they just adapted.
Once we landed in Minnesota, the children were so happy to be in America. There was snow on the ground and Eyob was really wanting to go outside to touch it. Much to his disappointment, we didn't of course, but we looked out the window a lot at it. I called home while we waited to board and everyone was able to talk on our cell phone.
We slept most of the way to Arizona, so the ride went quick!! When we got to that familiar ramp..we could see our friends and loved ones with signs and could hear them cheering from a mile away, seriously. We were all excited...glad we prepared the kids for it a head of time, they might have thought there was a fire or something.
We were so excited to see all of you who came to airport. What a total blessing, more than you will ever know on our side. Or kids were so excited to see all of this for them..or they prob. thought, their new parents were really something. There were so many people that I just didn't expect..new friends, old friends, newly healed friends, out of state family out of country friends...to see your shiny faces was the best thing for us!! I am so glad that we could rejoice together over the goodness of God in bringing these children home, this was priceless something I will not forget.
We collected our bags and decided we would take a group picture at the car!! WELL , God showed up yet again. For those of you who don't really know us but follow our blog, I will explain. We have nine kids...plus us makes eleven. If any kid has a friend, then add that on. Just with the number eleven, we have a serious car problem. Our car only seats eight. So...three of us don't fit. My solution, was to pray. Mind you, it sounds like a serious woman of faith..but I really did not have any other alternative, so prayer was it. I thought, God can do anything right. Since being in Kenya, I really learned that God can and will do what pleases Him, so I prayed and trusted that he knows. What was the worst thing really? Bryan and I would drive two separate cars...no biggie. While we were in Africa, we needed a bigger van to tote all of us around in and every time we would get into one, we would joke how we needed to take it home with us.
When we walked to the parking garage, I could hear all of the co motion going on and didn't know why. Suddenly I saw it...WE HAD A 15 PASSENGER VAN WAITING FOR US!!! Our friends are amazing!!! Ron and Zona had the idea to get this van...I still don't know all of the details...but some how they got my "adoption update" email list and emailed our friends and family and explained what they were doing and asked if anyone would like to chip in....I don't know who did yet, but I know several of you did! The car or bus rather is amazing...it seats us all with room for three more, STOP...I know what you are thinking, but give us time to settle in a bit, before you go and add on to our family!
We CAN'T BELIEVE THE GOODNESS OF GOD! We can't thank you enough for your prayers and donations. I still am sitting in awe of my friends and their obedience to Christs call to care for the orphans of this world. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you friends for loving us so much...and for loving our kids so much...It leads me to my key phrase for the past two weeks...ONLY GOD!!! Who could do this better?...ONLY GOD.
I know all of you played a part, but ONLY because of GODS goodness and HIS desire to care for the least of these could this be accomplished...ONLY GOD would be able to pull this off. This is the blessing to us and to you...God desires to bless when we are obedient to His word. Because the Lord put His desire in our hearts and in the hearts of our friends...He was given glory, and made all things things fall into place...ONLY GOD. He loves Meskerem, Eyob and Samuel...it is evident in His handy work. We are grateful and humbled at the hearts of his servants...thank you dear ones...we are truly blessed.
I am posting some pictures that probably showed up at the top...I will post our comming home pictures tomorrow, this is just a little something to keep you looking. Until tomorrow..USA time.
Dot have time to post much as I must leave for school. BUT I am going without one single little complaint ... I am so glad that you are all home safely with God's wonders still fre3sh in your minds. Can't wait to hear and see more. Am sending the link to the photos now ... I stayed up past 12 editing them and getting the ready ... and they do speak a thousand words. Enjoy them my friend, I am so grateful that God provided me a way to be there. I love you all dearly and can't wait to spend some time with you all when you are settled in.
PS .. Let's all go cruising in your new ride ... I've never even seen a van so big, let alone ridden in one!
I'm just sobbing as I read this, Drea. I'm overwhelmed at God's goodness and his fulfilling what was started so many months ago by faith. God is so much greater than my faith - Praise Him and his richness! We love you dearly and can't wait to meet the three who have been recipients of more prayers than they could imagine.
Amy Sun
Welcome Home!
I just love them!!!!
Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! There are not enough praises for His goodness, His love, His faithfulness and kindness! I am sooo sooo sooo very happy for you all. My soul is dancing and shouting with joy! God has done great things! We will all be praying as we watch what God does in the lives of your children. I love you all dearly!
Okay first thing I saw was you kissing your kiddos and I wanted to cry!!!I am so happy for you all. Okay now I will go on to the other pictures and blog. I just wanted to share my emotions at first glance. Can't wait to meet them!!!
What a wonderful welcome home!! The photos are so amazing & I'm looking at them over and over, imagining all the excitement and trying to imagine what it will be like when we travel.
Praise God we passed court on the 8th (our 5th court date!) and will likely travel at the end of next month. That means my husband will be home from his deployment and able to go with me. :)
Congratulations again!!
Hi there! An adoption friend of mine just sent me your blog address. Congrats on your BEAUTIFUL new children!!! We are bringing home our son, Mesfin, this weekend. He's also at the T. Center and Abdissa invited us to attend on Sunday. Do you mind emailing me when you have a chance at whowangus(at)yahoo(dot)com? THANKS!!! Blessings & JOY, Amy
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