First I want to thank all of you who helped in one way or another. From collecting things for us to sell, spreading the news to friends and family, making quilts, selling tickets, praying, setting up, tearing down, bringing food, loaning tables, sleeping outside, etc......
I want to tell you that God is so....good! The first time we did this for C~6 we had SO....much stuff. Not that we didn't this time, but we all agree, that we had so much more. We only used our front yard and garage this time. The first time we had all of that plus our front room in our house and our whole back yard!! However, our prayer was that the Lord would do far more than we could ask or imagine......Ephesians 3:20
He did just that!!! With not as much stuff, the Lord supplied far more than the first time!! We raised $5610.00!!! This is something to be praised!! The Lord knows what we need to bring these sweet children home and he has shown us over and over that He alone is in control and that He is faithful and He will do it. (If you know me well, I am clapping my hands over this one)!
We worked for about 15 hours putting all this stuff out, and spent hour after hour straightening and sorting, laughing, almost crying, and praying!! Again, God is so good!!
The best part of this for me (other than raising money for orphans) is the people watching. I LOVE to people watch. We had so much fun, talking and getting to know others. We met so many followers of Christ, and so many non-believers as well. We were able to shine the light of Jesus to Muslims, Catholics, and atheists. We were able to make friends, with people we would never have the opportunity to meet. One guy (pictured below) was shopping with his wife, and liked Bryan's guitar. He couldn't speak a lick of English but with help of a friend, and our choppy Spanish, we connected!! He played a couple of songs for us on Bry's guitar, and even sang! We were blessed, and I am sure he was too! Again, God is so good!
Bryan and I feel so privileged to be a part of your lives. We are so grateful for you as friends, and even some of you we don't even know. We feel so privileged that the Lord has called us to orphans. We feel so privileged that He is using YOU to join along side of us on this journey. We are all called to help the poor. We are all called to give, we are all called to obedience. We are all called to serve. Thank you for serving with us!!
Again, God is so....Good!!
Okay, where does this leave us?? This puts us at a total of $17,610.00!! We need $17,400.00 more! We are more than half way there. God is so....Good.
We have been trusting the Lord from day one to open doors and break strongholds, and I know He is. He is through YOU! Some of you have prayed, and given. We need both!! God is the supplier of our needs, He does not need us to rescue anyone, He chooses to allow us the opportunity to do so. Please pray and ask the Lord how you can give to close the gap between the money we need and Gods children.
Jesus loves Hope, Jacob and Samuel. No amount of money should separate children from the Love they need and should have. Jesus loves us, and we have the privilege of showing these beautiful children, the love of Jesus Christ. We must be the hands and feet of Christ, will you please pray and ask God how you can be involved?
A missionary friend of mine, who cares for orphans in Uganda said this on her blog recently: Pray for unwanted children. They are real. They may not be in your living room, but they are in mine.
They are in mine too!! I get to see what a difference a family makes for these children, who are broken, and unloved. You can see what a difference it makes also!! Your donations help to repair, hearts and minds. Your donations give hope to those who are hopeless. Your donations provide a Father & Mother, warm beds and food. They provide an opportunity to know Christ! We are missionaries witnessing to a lost and dying world of orphans.
Tax deductable donations can be made payable to Kingdom Kids Adoption Ministries. You can donate online to Please specify Thiele Adoption.
We appreciate all of you, and are so blessed to have you in our lives!
God has given you some amazing servants that I watched serve, serve and serve some more! They are truly angels sent from heaven.
I am still in awe of it all!!!
I love you Drea!
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